Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Hamming DIstance

You are given a string , consisting of  small latin letters 'a' and 'b'. You are also given  queries to process. The queries are as follows:

  •   : all the symbols in the string, starting at the , ending at the  become equal to ;
  •    : swap two consecutive fragments of the string, where the first is denoted by a substring starting from  ending at  and the second is denoted by a substring starting at  ending at ;
  •  : reverse the fragment of the string that starts at the  symbol and ends at the  one;
  •  : output the substring of the string that starts at the  symbol and ends at the  one;
  •   : output the Hamming distance between the consecutive substrings that starts at  and  respectively and have the length of .

Everything is 1-indexed here.

Input Format

The first line of input contains a single integer   the length of the string.
The second line contains the initial string  itself.
The third line of input contains a single integer   the number of queries.
Then, there are  lines, each denotes a query of one of the types above.


Total number of characters printed in W-type queries will not exceed 
For C-type, R-type, W-type queries:  equals either a, or b
For S-type queries: 
For H-type queries: .

Output Format

For each query of the type W or the type H output an answer on the separate line of output.

Sample Input 0

R 1 5
W 3 8
C 4 4 a
H 2 1 9
S 5 9 10 10
H 1 2 9

Sample Output 0


Explanation 0

Initial String - aabbbabbab

QueriesUpdated StringOutput
R 1 5bbbaaabbab
W 3 8baaabb
C 4 4 abbbaaabbab
H 2 1 94
S 5 9 10 10bbbabaabba
H 1 2 95


import java.util.*;

public class Solution {
    private static final char LINE_END = '\n';
    private final InputStream input;
    private final OutputStream output;
    private final CommandFactory commandFactory;
    private final CommandExecutor commandExecutor;
    private final ByteArrayOutputStream outputBuffer;
    private char[] string;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Solution solutionHammingDistance = new Solution(, System.out);
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);

    public Solution(InputStream input, OutputStream output) {
        this.input = input;
        this.output = output;
        commandFactory = new CommandFactory();
        commandExecutor = new CommandExecutor();
        outputBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    public void process() throws IOException  {
        string = readLine().toCharArray();
        Queue<Command> commands = processCommands();

        while (!commands.isEmpty()) {


    private Queue<Command> processCommands() {
        BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input));
        return bufferedReader.lines().map(commandFactory::create).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedList::new));

    private int readInt() throws IOException {
        String line = readLine();
        return Integer.valueOf(line);

    private String readLine() throws IOException {
        StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder();
        int readByte =;
        while (readByte != -1) {
            line.append((char) readByte);
            readByte =;
            if (readByte == LINE_END) {
                return line.toString();
        return line.toString();

    private class CommandFactory {
        private Command create(String commandString) {
            char commandType = commandString.charAt(0);
            String[] commandArguments = commandString.split(" ");
            Command commandToReturn;
            switch (commandType) {
                case 'H': {
                    HammingDistance command = new HammingDistance();
                    command.firstStart = createIndex(commandArguments[1]);
                    command.secondStart = createIndex(commandArguments[2]);
                    command.length = Integer.valueOf(commandArguments[3]);
                    commandToReturn = command;
                case 'C': {
                    Change command = new Change();
                    command.left = createIndex(commandArguments[1]);
                    command.right = createIndex(commandArguments[2]);
           = commandArguments[3].charAt(0);
                    commandToReturn = command;
                case 'S': {
                    Swap command = new Swap();
                    command.left1 = createIndex(commandArguments[1]);
                    command.right1 = createIndex(commandArguments[2]);
                    command.left2 = createIndex(commandArguments[3]);
                    command.right2 = createIndex(commandArguments[4]);
                    commandToReturn = command;
                case 'R': {
                    Reverse command = new Reverse();
                    command.left = createIndex(commandArguments[1]);
                    command.right = createIndex(commandArguments[2]);
                    commandToReturn = command;
                case 'W': {
                    Wipe command = new Wipe();
                    command.left = createIndex(commandArguments[1]);
                    command.right = createIndex(commandArguments[2]);
                    commandToReturn = command;
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot found command! String: " + commandString);
            return commandToReturn;

        private int createIndex(String index) {
            return Integer.valueOf(index) - 1;

    private class CommandExecutor {
        private void execute(Command command) throws IOException {
            if (command instanceof MutingCommand) {
                string = command.execute(string);
            } else if (command instanceof OutputCommand) {
                String result = new String(command.execute(string));
                result += LINE_END;

    private interface MutingCommand extends Command {

    private interface OutputCommand extends Command {

    private interface Command {
        char[] execute(char[] string);

    private class HammingDistance implements OutputCommand {
        int firstStart;
        int secondStart;
        int length;

        public char[] execute(char[] string) {
            long sum = 0L;
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                if (string[firstStart + i] != string[secondStart + i]) {
            return Long.toString(sum).toCharArray();

    private class Change implements MutingCommand {
        int left;
        int right;
        char ch;

        public char[] execute(char[] string) {
            for (int i = left; i <= right; i++) {
                string[i] = ch;
            return string;

    private class Swap implements MutingCommand {
        int left1;
        int right1;
        int left2;
        int right2;

        public char[] execute(char[] string) {
            char[] newString = Arrays.copyOf(string, string.length);
            int i = left1;
            int rightSize = right2 - left2 + 1;
            int leftSize = right1 - left1 + 1;
            int restSize = left2 - right1 - 1;
            for (int j = 0; i < left1 + rightSize; i++, j++) {
                newString[i] = string[left2 + j];
            for (int j = 0; i < left1 + rightSize + restSize; i++, j++) {
                newString[i] = string[left1 + leftSize + j];
            for (int j = 0; i < left1 + rightSize + restSize + leftSize; i++, j++) {
                newString[i] = string[left1 + j];
            return newString;


    private class Reverse implements MutingCommand {
        int left;
        int right;

        public char[] execute(char[] string) {
            char[] chars = Arrays.copyOf(string, string.length);
            for (int i = 0; i <= right - left; i++) {
                chars[right - i] = string[left + i];
            return chars;

    private class Wipe implements OutputCommand {
        private int left;
        private int right;

        public char[] execute(char[] string) {
            return new String(string).substring(left, right + 1).toCharArray();


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